Плагин: [ZP] Class : Super Jumper Zombie
Плагин: [ZP] Class : Super Jumper Zombie
Это новый класс зомби, этот зомби может Подпрыгнуть очень высоко, даже на самое высокое здание, однако скачки ограничены, так используйте их в нужных целях.
zp_super_jumper_zombie_maxjumps "50" - Сколько можете совершить прыжков за раунд.
zp_adminonly "1" Только для Админов (Вкл/Выкл)
zp_adminonly "1" Только для Админов (Вкл/Выкл)
v1.0 - First test
v1.1 - fixed that jumps worked only once in round, rewrited half of code, removed unnecessary code/lines, changed plugin and zombie name. ^^
v1.1.2 - fixed bug that mega jump works for all zombie classes, changed plugin name.
v1.1.3 - fixed last bug that jumps work for humans not for zombie class.
v1.1.6 - removed chat message, fixed admin acces... Admins with flag A can use it already, fixed plugin crash.
v1.1.8 - fixed my mistake that this zombie was only for admins, added simple way to use it for admins just comment out #define FOR_ADMINS.
v1.2.4 - changed zombie and plugin name, fixed none working cvar, fixed now jumps are limited per round, added chat message how much jumps you have left, added chat message if this class is for admins only, dropped engine and using fakemeta instead.
Плагин: [ZP] Class : Super Jumper Zombie
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